Linggo, Oktubre 7, 2012

NCAE for Good

          Before, National Career Assessment Exam was given to fourt years. Now, it was already given to third years. It was said that it was given to third years so that the assessment of their test can evaluate as early as it can be. All students should take this kind of exam to see their future. Is it helpful for a student or not?

          As a student, I can say that this kind of exam is helpful for us. It is because students will be able to know if they really fit the course they want to take in college. It can also classify ourselves if we are for vocational courses or four-year courses. NCAE is also helpful for our economy because if we passed this exam, then we can take our profession. When we were already a professional, we can help to bring our economical status to a higher level. This test can also help the non-passers because it they already know that they did not pass, they will not be disappointed on college, when they discover that they're not fit to the courses they will take.

       In all, NCAE is a big help for student. In this test, the interests of the students are shown. Students must take this exam seriously. This is not a joke, because it tells what we can be in the near future. It is not a waste of time to a student. We can be what we want, but be sure that we are smart enough to pass the exam.

1 komento:

  1. Hi Chrisealyn, hope you don't mind if I borrowed your photo here on my blog :

    Good job in blogging about your school life! You'll be one great writer in the future. Hope you could follow my blog, you will learn a lot!
    Thanks for the photo by the way! God bless!
